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Friction Damper

Product Introduction:Friction dampers consist of one central steel plate flanked by two outer steel plates, with the friction materials sandwiched in between.

Product features:When the central plate moves relative to the outer plates, the kinetic energy is converted into heat due to the friction. The energy dissipation abilities of these dampers are relatively consistent across various speeds and displacements. The hysteresis curves exhibit predominantly a rectangular shape.

Friction Damper

Friction is generated by the relative slippage between the middle steel plate and the friction material, which converts the vibration energy of the building into heat energy, thereby achieving the purpose of reducing the vibration response of the structure.
The hysteresis curve is basically rectangular, with obvious shock absorption effect; the velocity correlation and displacement correlation are small, and the performance is stable; the cycle durability is good and no later maintenance is required; the damping force can also be generated under small displacements; it will not be affected by major earthquakes It is damaged, so it does not need to be replaced; the mechanical model is simple, and the structural vibration reduction analysis and design are simple and easy; the structure is simple and the cost is low.

Product Diagram

Friction damper parameter table
Specifications and modelsSlip displacementSliding damping forceInitial stiffnessvariable stiffness displacementUltimate loadSecond ladder stiffnessProduct size



